Sunburst Glass Plate


Supplies for the Sunburst Glass Plate

PermEnamel Surface Conditioner

Delta - Iridescent Permenamels

in Orange/Gold






Delta – PermEnamel Gold Accent Liner

PermEnamel Gloss Glaze

Palette paper or waxed paper

Here’s a really colorful and useful project. You could make a whole set with matching water glasses!!

Free Glass Painting Patterns Instructions

sunburst hand painted glass plateStart by washing the plate and drying it.

Then apply the Step 1 Surface Conditioner to the back of the plate. That’s where you’ll be applying the paint.

Here’s where the fun begins! Take the Gold Accent Liner and create swirls on the underside of the plate. Just free hand the design and let your imagination guide you. You can’t do anything wrong even when you blob the paint… trust us on this one.

Add “sunrays” to the outer edge of the plate or other creative design of your own.

Let this dry overnight.

The Accent Liner will have dried and created gentle ridges that will help contain the paint in the sections. hand painted sunburst glass plateStarting in the center of the swirls, squeeze out a bit of Red/Gold and right next to it add some Orange/Gold.

Use an old round brush or a toothpick to blend one color into the other. Add some Yellow/Pink and blend into the Orange/Gold.

In another section of the swirl pattern, use Purple/Blue and Blue/Blue and blend those together. Add some Red/Gold and blend that into some Purple/Blue.

Keep working your way out… Take some Green/Gold, some Yellow/Pink and some Orange/Gold for another blending combination.

Try Purple/Blue and Red/Gold.

When you get to the sections on the edges, just fill them with any of the colors you used previously.

glass plate hand paintedIf the paint runs into another section, don’t fight it. It actually all looks really good when it’s all done and dry.

After 10 days of curing, finish with a coat of PermEnamel Gloss Glaze.